Umbraflor Farms Spello (PG) - Italy

Umbraflor Macchinario


For nearly 30 years, it has been heating offices, greenhouses and houses with mostly self-produced solid biomass. It is a pioneer of UmbraFlor chips boilers, a regional nursery farm totally funded by public capital which includes two nurseries, the Torraccia and the Castellaccio, located between Spello and Gubbio, near Perugia. The installation of the first Uniconfort boiler dates back to 1984. A device that has been replaced with a new boiler after 24 years of work, and now is heating 6,000 cubic meters of greenhouses, housings and offices. The farm has been turning to biomass, driven by the availability of land suitable for cultivation of short rotation poplar and a good amount of timber biomass from the nursery wastes. A choice dictated by the attention to the environment, aiming at zero emissions.


The boiler installed by Uniconfort works with any type of wood chips, both fresh and dry. This is a Global / G type 40 Uniconfort with a capacity of 470,000 kcal (545 kW) and a yield of 400,000 kcal (465 Kw). The yield amounted then to 91.4%, which is very high for a wood chips boiler.


The boiler was purchased with a government grant of 50% and was amortized after a few years. The production of wood chips takes place within the structure, with transportation distances less than 5-6 km.


  • Boiler model: GLOBAL 40
  • Power of installed boiler: 545 kW
  • District heating network lenght: 600 m³
  • Volume of heated premises: 12.000 mc
  • Annual consumption of wood chips: 130 t
  • Price of wood chips: 70 €/t
  • Thermal energy delivered: 368 MWh/year
  • Public funding: Mipaaf (progetto PROBIO)and Umbria Region Fund
